Window Styles

Window Styles: The styles illustrated can be supplied in any combination of the following opening types.

  • Top Hung
  • Side Hung
  • Top Hung Fully Reversible (Sutton only)
  • Side Hung Fully Reversible (Sutton only)
  • Bottom Hung (Sutton only)
  • Side Hung inward opening (Sutton only)
  • Fixed Sashes

Approximate Maximum Sash Sizes (Width x Height)

Type Sutton Cleveland
Top Hung 1500 x 1450mm 1200 x 1500mm
Side Hung 850 x 1450mm 600 x 1500mm
Top Swing Fully Reversible 1500 x 1550mm N/A
Side Swing Fully Reversible 1100 x 1500mm N/A

NB Maximum sash sizes may also be limited by maximum sash weight constraints.